Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Roller-Blading = The Bomb Digidi for me

I love roller blading, it's my favorite sport. i could roller blade all around the city, but walking, No way!

I learned the sport on four wheel skates at the age of five, one year later my parents gave me the new in line skates. i used to skate once or twice a week after school, but during vacations i practiced more and more often, until it became a passion. I love to roller-blade as fast as possible while feeling the wind against my face; the speed and adrenaline it creates is awesome. But like all sports skating has its risks, especially for an overconfident teenage girl that just because of looks, doesn't wear a helmet. That was me. One day i was skating, i was going as fast as usual or maybe even faster, down a dangerous steep hill until bam. That's all i remember, the next thing i knew was that i was in my comfortable bed, being served hot tea by my granny. I love her <3>. After that accident i didnt roller-blade for a couple of years.

The best thing about roller-blading is to do it with someone special, that way you can go around town, enjoy the scenery, and stop by any place that catches your attention - which for me is almost everywhere - without wasting too much time. Then ofcourse there is the problem that some haters wont let you skate in their store so you must always carry your shoes with you. Even though skating is, what i beleive to be the best hobby in existence, it does have its downside when it comes to shopping; the second best hobby.

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