Monday, December 10, 2007

Mohamed The Teddy Bear

Have you heard about the ludacris issue concerning the British white female teacher was captured and sent to jail recently in Sudan for allowing her 6 year old students to name the class teddy bear "Mohamed".

People were all riled up about this demanding that the teacher (Gillian Gibbons) be killed over the incident, there was litteraly a mob of protestors that wanted her head cut off.
Even though that she does admit that she "shouldn't have done it" she was sentenced to 15 days in jail where she worried that she would be raped by guards trying to teach a lesson to the infidel white woman. The sentence was cut short nonetheless after 2 brithish parliament members met with the president of Sudan to plead for her release. She was pardoned after one week in custody and tells about her detention in a filfthy prison.
This whole incident is ridiculous. Whats even more ridiculous is that the teddy bear was presented in court as evidence. I mean if the kids wanted to name it Mohamed and they were muslim then isn't that the childrens fault. Either way, thankfully everything worked out well and not only justice but common sence prevailed.

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